Following eight months of intense negotiations and two strikes, members of the California Faculty Association (CFA) have overwhelmingly approved a new tentative agreement with the California State University (CSU) system. 76% of voting members voted in favor of the deal, according to certified results.

“We are grateful for the solidarity, debate, and courage our members displayed throughout this process,” said CFA President Charles Toombs. “We especially thank everyone who helped organize the successful strikes and stood on the picket lines.”

The tentative agreement includes a significant financial package for faculty, with two general salary increases totaling over 10% within the next six months. Additionally, the agreement raises the minimum salary for low-paid faculty, expands paid parental leave, and addresses concerns regarding student-to-counselor ratios and workload. Notably, the agreement also seeks to address existing racial, social, and gender inequities within the CSU system.

The full details of the tentative agreement are available online. Once approved by the CSU Board of Trustees, the agreement’s terms will take effect. The board’s next scheduled meeting is in March, but the CFA is urging them to convene a special session to expedite the implementation of the agreement.

“Our fight continues,” said Sharon Elise, CFA Associate Vice President of Racial & Social Justice. “We will continue advocating against harmful austerity measures, ensuring affordability and access for students, and combating anti-Black racism to create campuses that serve everyone.”

While acknowledging that some members have concerns about the process and outcome, the CFA emphasizes the importance of unity in building a stronger CSU that empowers students and fosters supportive work environments for faculty and staff.

The strike that occurred on January 22, 2024, was historic, marking a powerful demonstration of unity among CSUSB faculty, including lecturers, instructional faculty, librarian faculty, counseling faculty, and coaching faculty. The strike garnered widespread support from students and staff members, who joined in solidarity on the picket lines, enduring ten hours of rain to send a clear message to management.

As the aftermath of the strike unfolds, the CFA has reassurred its members that it remains committed to defending rights regarding pay deductions and the implementation of the tentative agreement. Efforts are underway to explore the possibility of establishing a hardship fund, while solidarity and collective power-building efforts continue.

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