“An online campaign to boycott Starbucks contributed to a reported loss of over $10 billion this past year, however some participants did not know why they were withholding their dollars.” (Photo by: Esteven Reyes)

Last October a conflict reignited in the middle east that influenced people to take a stand. Yet  some blindly supported bands on products without understanding the political implications. Hundreds of thousands protested on contributing to companies that funded countries that did not align with their own political beliefs. People across the world were divided yet college students that represented both sides of the arguments were boycotting starbucks. I feel many people jumped on the metaphorical bandwagon not knowing who was driving.

Some were just confused and pressured to avoid their caffeine fix from the green serpent. Younger people were just following TikTok trends because of the authority the people they follow carry.

 Ignoring the horror that was taking place outside of the US, people were “trolled” for indulging in their favorite flavored frappuccinos. In late October I walked into work and was told to throw my coffee away by a friend. I thought maybe we were on a no caffeine agreement and as I was about to loosen my grip. Then I came to my senses. I simply asked why? The response was actually eye opening. The girl responded with “look it up”. She  was 19 and was known for sipping on a “White Claw” before work. Yet now she’s dialed into world news.  At the time I truly did not know and was unaware that a strike against Starbucks was underway.  I took to social media. The content that was created was very powerful and emotional. I was moved by many of the posts and needed more information. People believed that the coffee juggernaut was funding the military in the dispute between Israel and Palestine. I didn’t know if the accusations against Starbucks were actually true. A week later the same girl was enjoying a Starbucks. I fully support our amendment right to protest but I encourage us to continue to support our causes and to educate ourselves on our own stances. Starbucks has made a statement public on their website: “Starbucks is a global company committed to providing a place where everyone feels welcome and a sense of belonging, anywhere in the world. We abhor hate and strongly reject violence against the innocent. Despite false statements spread through social media, Starbucks has never contributed to any government or military operation in any way”

For a full time student that works (sometimes multiple jobs), coffee is essential to wake up, study or just to be a normal person. Sometimes it can feel so tiring to brew your own cup of joe. Starbucks is the largest franchise that exists. It’s almost impossible to drive without passing one. The convenience is not an excuse to break your moral compass. But to actively disrupt a person’s ritual for a fad you are mindlessly following is unfortunate. A leader and staff member at the corporate office in Seattle, shared a story with me. They stated that they host candidates from several universities to participate in internships throughout the year. This previous year a young girl from Claremont College was ashamed to share where she was to her classmates. In fear of being labeled someone she wasn’t. We should all strive to be good people. To laugh more than we cry. To help when others need it, before they ask… We should follow our own beats and realize that it’s okay to be different. Before you follow the next big trend, remind yourself that it’s okay to lead. 

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