The picture above was provided by the CSUSB website: And features the CSUSB sign behind the library glowing in front of a beautiful sunset.

CSUSB student, Estevan Vega, reflects on his educational journey coming to an end and the fear that comes with not knowing what is on the other side.

It seems like the older that I get the faster time moves on and life becomes more and more serious. After being in school the majority of my life it is difficult to accept that it is coming to an end and also difficult to think about what could possibly come next beyond standing up on that stage at graduation.

My college journey starting from Riverside City College where I got my associate degree in film and television production leading to where I am now about to get my bachelor’s degree in communication with a concentration in Media Studies from Cal State San Bernardino. It is wild to think that I am so close to experiencing the real world beyond school in less than two weeks and that is exactly what makes it so scary to think about.

Throughout my 5 years attending school on a full-time basis, I have also been working as a Department Manager at a grocery store for the same amount of time working full-time. So, I have become so used to having an overwhelmingly packed schedule that I am not ready for that to end.

Applying for internship after internship and not hearing anything back is discouraging but at the same time leaves me more motivated than ever to continue working towards my career goals of working in the film and television industry as a filmmaker.

I have made a promise to myself to go all in on myself and my work towards continuing to build my portfolio so that I am able to work in the industry that I have always dreamed of working in. This means ending the chapter that is schooling and at the same time ending the chapter that has also lasted five years as a department manager at a grocery store.

One thing that the many different success stories that exist in media and by others who have felt exactly as I do before graduating have taught me is that if you are determined and dedicated to your work and your craft, your success will reflect that, and I will be as successful as my dreams set out to be.

One phrase that really motivates me from one of my all-time favorite movies comes from the film, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, which dives into a similar concept like I am currently experiencing when the main protagonist, Miles Morales, needs to take the leap of faith to become the Spider-Man of his universe and to reach his full potential. “That’s all it is, Miles. A leap of faith” said Peter Parker to Miles Morales within the context of the film.

Using this phrase, it drives me to want to jump off the deep end and go all into my work and dedicate all my time towards creating content and adding to my portfolio while I write my own short films and bring them to life for all to see.

We set our own limitations because of fear and that fear that exists in me comes with the idea that if you get a college education, you are set in your career and that can’t be further from the truth. Degrees do nothing in terms of guaranteeing you a career in your desired field of work, instead they help you gain experience in what you want to pursue a career in.

Even with experience, the one thing that is certain is that you will never be ready for what is next and that feeling of not knowing can push us to do so much more than we think we are capable of.

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