The proposal includes significant cuts to other state agencies and programs. In order to address a projected $27.6 billion deficit for the 2024-25 budget year, Governor Newsom is proposing one-time cuts to 260 different state programs and an overall reduction of nearly 8% to most state operations.
San Bernardino, CA — In a press conference held on Friday, May 10, Governor Newsom addressed the 2024-25 May Revision to his budget proposal. Today, the full details of the May Revision were released, revealing no cuts to the ongoing base budget of the California State University (CSU) for the 2024-25 fiscal year. However, potential changes to the 2025-26 budget remain under scrutiny.
The 5 percent General Salary Increase previously negotiated is set to take effect on July 1, remaining intact with this May revision. Nevertheless, the contingency language in the contract agreement necessitates a cut to the ongoing base funding for the CSU. Final decisions regarding the state budget are expected to be announced in June.
Amidst significant cuts to state agencies and programs, amounting to nearly 8 percent reductions across various operations due to a projected deficit of $27.6 billion for the 2024-25 budget year, Governor Newsom has emphasized the importance of funding allocated to the CSU. Despite fiscal challenges, the Governor and legislative allies underscored the integral role of CSU funding in California. CSU officers expressed gratitude for the budget’s stability while highlighting ongoing advocacy efforts to ensure continued state support. Additionally, commitments were made to collaborate with union partners to safeguard the well-being of vulnerable residents and uphold initiatives aimed at poverty alleviation and societal advancement.
For now, CSU students can breathe a sigh of relief. The May Revision is a positive development, and it suggests that the Governor and legislature are committed to funding higher education. However, it is important to remember that the budget is not final, and students should continue to stay informed and involved in the advocacy process. CSU students can get involved in a number of ways. They can contact their elected officials to express their support for CSU funding. They can also join or attend events organized by the CSU or the CFA.